Ruby eBook

The Ultimate Guide to Ruby Programming

Ruby eBook

Already 45000+ would-be Ruby programmers have purchased the Ruby eBook.

The Ruby eBook now covers Ruby 2 and contains all the Core Ruby topics covered on the site. The eBook is over 240 pages and is in pdf format. The cost of this eBook is a nominal US$ 9.95 only and is being collected to help me maintain the site and the eBook, and also provide quality content to you.

Here's what one satisfied customer, Thomas Johan Eggum from Norway has to say:

After years with Java development and some various experience with the framework Ruby on Rails, I wanted to get a broader knowledge with the Ruby language. I stumbled over Satish's website, and decided to read the book "The Ultimate Guide To Ruby Programming". I found the book easy to read and very efficient with regards to covering the essentials of Ruby. There is no confusing overhead, and the material is presented in an informative way. After each chapter there is a summary and an exercise part, making it easy to verify progress. I can highly recommend this book for those interested in learning Ruby. I also found the book helpful when studying towards the certification "Ruby Association Certified Ruby Programmer Silver".

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Adobe Acrobat is required to read the Ruby eBook.

If you want to buy the Ruby eBook for US$ 9.95 only (updated 1st Jan. 2016) click the ADD TO CART button below.

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