What's Rack
2/Apr 2013
A Quick Introduction to Rack
Copyright 2013 Satish Talim
What’s Rack?
In the words of the author of Rack – Christian Neukirchen: Rack aims to provide a minimal API for connecting web servers supporting Ruby (like WEBrick, Mongrel etc.) and Ruby web frameworks (like Rails, Sinatra etc.).
Web frameworks such as Sinatra are built on top of Rack or have a Rack interface for allowing web application servers to connect to them.
The premise of Rack is simple – it just allows you to easily deal with HTTP requests.
HTTP is a simple protocol: it basically describes the activity of a client sending a HTTP request to a server and the server returning a HTTP response. Both HTTP request and HTTP response in turn have very similar structures. A HTTP request is a triplet consisting of a method and resource pair, a set of headers and an optional body while a HTTP response is in triplet consisting of a response code, a set of headers and an optional body.
Rack maps closely to this. A Rack application is a Ruby object that has a call method, which has a single argument, the environment, (corresponding to a HTTP request) and returns an array of 3 elements, status, headers and body (corresponding to a HTTP response).
Rack includes handlers that connect Rack to all these web application servers (WEBrick, Mongrel etc.).
Rack includes adapters that connect Rack to various web frameworks (Sinatra, Rails etc.).
Between the server and the framework, Rack can be customized to your applications needs using middleware. The fundamental idea behind Rack middleware is – come between the calling client and the server, process the HTTP request before sending it to the server, and processing the HTTP response before returning it to the client.
A Rack App
Read the full documentation of Rack at – http://rack.rubyforge.org/doc/
Installing Rack
Note that I have Ruby 1.9+ installed on a Windows box and all the programs in this article have been tested using that.
Let’s check if we already have rack with us. Open a command window and type:
irb --simple-prompt
>> require 'rack'
=> true
Yes, rack’s already there on your machine. If rack’s not there you will get an error like:
LoadError: no such file to load -- rack
You can install rack by opening a new command window and typing:
$ gem install rack
A quick visit to Ruby’s proc object
Remember the proc object from Ruby? Blocks are not objects, but they can be converted into objects of class Proc. This can be done by calling the lambda method included in the Object class. A block created with lambda acts like a Ruby method. The class Proc has a method call that invokes the block.
In irb type:
>> my_rack_proc = lambda { puts 'Rack Intro' }
=> #<Proc:0x1fc9038@(irb):2(lambda)>
>> # method call invokes the block
?> my_rack_proc.call
Rack Intro
=> nil
A simple Rack App – my_rack_proc
As mentioned earlier, our simple Rack application is a Ruby object (not a class) that responds to call and takes exactly one argument, the environment. The environment must be a true instance of Hash. The app should return an Array of exactly three values: the status code (it must be greater than or equal to 100), the headers (must be a hash), and the body (the body commonly is an Array of Strings, the application instance itself, or a File-like object. The body must respond to method each and must only yield String values.) Let us create our new Proc object. Type:
>> my_rack_proc = lambda { |env| [200, {}, ["Hello. The time is #{Time.now}"]] }
=> #<Proc:0x1f4c358@(irb):5(lambda)>
Now we can call the Proc object my_rack_proc with the call method. Type:
>> my_rack_proc.call({})
=> [200, {}, ["Hello. The time is 2011-10-24 09:18:56 +0530"]]
is our single line Rack application.
In the above example, we have used an empty hash for headers. Instead, let’s have something in the header as follows:
>> **my_rack_proc = lambda { |env| [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, ["Hello. The time is #{Time.now}"]] }
=> #<Proc:0x1f4c358@(irb):5(lambda)>
Now we can call the Proc object my_rack_proc
with the call method.
>> my_rack_proc.call({})
=> [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, ["Hello. The time is 2011-10-24 09:18:56 +0530"]]
We can run our Rack application (my_rack_proc) with any of the Rack handlers.
To look at the Rack handlers available, in irb type:
>> Rack::Handler.constants
=> [:CGI, :FastCGI, :Mongrel, :EventedMongrel, :SwiftipliedMongrel, :WEBrick, :LSWS, :SCGI, :Thin]
To get a handler for say WEBrick (the default WEBrick, web application server, that comes along with Ruby), type:
>> Rack::Handler::WEBrick
=> Rack::Handler::WEBrick
All of these handlers have a common method called run
to run all the
Rack based applications.
>> Rack::Handler::WEBrick.run my_rack_proc
[2011-10-24 10:00:45] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1
[2011-10-24 10:00:45] INFO ruby 1.9.2 (2011-07-09) [i386-mingw32]
[2011-10-24 10:00:45] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=1788 port=80
Open a browser window and type the url: http://localhost/
In your browser window, you should see a string, something like this:
Hello. The time is 2011-10-24 10:02:20 +0530
Note: If you already have something running at port 80, you can run this app at a different port, say 9876. Type:
>> Rack::Handler::WEBrick.run my_rack_proc, :Port => 9876
[2011-10-24 11:32:21] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1
[2011-10-24 11:32:21] INFO ruby 1.9.2 (2011-07-09) [i386-mingw32]
[2011-10-24 11:32:21] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=480 port=9876
Open a browser window and type the url: http://localhost:9876/
In your browser window, you should see a string, something like this:
Hello. The time is 2011-10-24 10:02:20 +0530
Another Rack app – my_method
A Rack app need not be a lambda; it could be a method. Type:
>> def my_method env
>> [200, {}, ["method called"]]
>> end
=> nil
We declare a method my_method that takes an argument env. The method returns three values.
Next type:
>> Rack::Handler::WEBrick.run method(:my_method)
[2011-10-24 14:32:05] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1
[2011-10-24 14:32:05] INFO ruby 1.9.2 (2011-07-09) [i386-mingw32]
[2011-10-24 14:32:05] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=1644 port=80
Open a browser window and type the url: http://localhost/
In your browser window, you should see something like this:
method called
Method bjects are created by Object#method. They are associated with a particular object (not just with a class). They may be used to invoke the method within the object. The Method.call method invokes the method with the specified arguments, returning the method’s return value.
Press Ctrl-C
in irb to stop the WEBrick
Using rackup
The rack gem comes with a bunch of useful stuff to make life easier for a rack application developer. rackup is one of them.
rackup is a useful tool for running Rack applications. rackup automatically figures out the environment it is run in, and runs your application as FastCGI, CGI, or standalone with Mongrel or WEBrick – all from the same configuration.
To use rackup, you’ll need to supply it with a rackup config file. By convention, you should use .ru extension for a rackup config file. Supply it a run RackObject and you’re ready to go:
$ rackup config.ru
By default, rackup will start a server on port 9292.
To view rackup help, open a command window and type:
$ rackup --help
Let us create a config.ru
file that contains the following:
run lambda { |env| [200, {"Content-Type" => "text/plain"}, ["Hello. The time is #{Time.now}"]] }
This file contains run, which can be called on anything that responds to
a .call
To run our rack app, in the same folder that contains config.ru, type:
$ rackup config.ru
[2011-10-24 15:18:03] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1
[2011-10-24 15:18:03] INFO ruby 1.9.2 (2011-07-09) [i386-mingw32]
[2011-10-24 15:18:03] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=3304 port=9292
Open a browser window and type the url: http://localhost:9292/
In your browser window, you should see something like this:
Hello. The time is 2011-10-24 15:18:10 +0530
Press Ctrl-C
to stop the WEBrick
Now let’s move our application from the config.ru file to my_app.rb
file as follows:
# my_app.rb
class MyApp
def call env
[200, {"Content-Type" => "text/html"}, ["Hello Rack Participants"]]
Also, our config.ru
will change to:
require './my_app'
run MyApp.new
To run our rack app, in the same folder that contains config.ru, type:
$ rackup config.ru
[2011-10-25 06:18:16] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1
[2011-10-25 06:18:16] INFO ruby 1.9.2 (2011-07-09) [i386-mingw32]
[2011-10-25 06:18:16] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=2224
Open a browser window and type the url: http://localhost:9292/
In your browser window, you should see something like this:
Hello Rack Participants
Press Ctrl-C
to stop the WEBrick
Deploying Pure Rack Apps to Heroku
We shall now download and install Git. The precompiled packages are available here: http://git.or.cz/
Select the relevant package for your operating system.
Please ensure that you are connected to the internet and then create an account on Heroku (obviously do this only once) if you don’t have one – http://heroku.com/signup.
Now install the Heroku Toolbelt:
Use the URL – http://toolbelt.heroku.com
This ensures that you have access to the Heroku command-line client, Foreman which is used to run applications locally, and the Git revision control system that is used to deploy sites to Heroku.
Next, create a new folder, say rackheroku. Now assuming that you have Git installed, open a Bash shell in that folder. You now need to identify yourself to Git (you need to do this only once). With the bash shell still open type in the following:
$ git config --global user.name "Your name here"
$ git config --global user.email "Your email id"
Git does not allow accented characters in user name. This will set the info stored when you commit to a Git repository. Git has now been set up.
If you don’t already use SSH, you’ll need to create a public/private key pair to deploy code to Heroku. This keypair is used for the strong cryptography and that uniquely identifies you as a developer when pushing code changes.
You can use DSA keys if you prefer, using the -t dsa option. Heroku can use either type of key. To generate a public key type:
$ ssh-keygen -t rsa
Generating public/private rsa key pair.
Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/adam/.ssh/id_rsa):
Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
Enter same passphrase again:
Your identification has been saved in /Users/adam/.ssh/id_rsa.
Your public key has been saved in /Users/adam/.ssh/id_rsa.pub.
The key fingerprint is:
a6:88:0a:0b:74:90:c6:e9:d5:49:d6:e3:04:d5:6c:3e adam@workstation
Next, add your key to Heroku, type:
$ heroku keys:add
Having already installed the Heroku Toolbelt, you now have access to the heroku command from within the command window. First of all, try logging in using the same details as when you signed up for Heroku. Type:
$ heroku login
Enter your Heroku credentials.
Email: satish@rubylearning.org
Authentication successful.
You’ll be prompted for your username and password the first time you run
a heroku command; they’ll be saved on ~/.heroku/credentials
so you
won’t be prompted on future runs. It will also upload your public key to
allow you to push and pull code.
In order for Heroku to know what to do with your Rack app, create a
(ru stands for Rack up) in the rackheroku folder. The
contents are:
require './my_app'
run MyApp.new
Also, copy the my_app.rb
file to the rackheroku folder. It’s
contents are:
# my_app.rb
class MyApp
def call env
[200, {"Content-Type" => "text/html"}, ["Hello Rack Participants"]]
Next we install bundler. Open a command window and type:
$ gem install bundler
Close the command window. Next, we will install the required gems (if any) via bundler. In the already open Git Bash shell for folder rackheroku type:
$ bundle init
Writing new Gemfile to c:/rackheroku/Gemfile
Edit the created Gemfile with your preferred text editor to let it look like this:
source "http://rubygems.org"
gem 'rack'
Now we need to tell Bundler to check if we’re missing the gems our application depends on, if so, tell it to install them. In your open Bash shell type:
$ bundle check
The Gemfile’s dependencies are satisfied
Finally in the open Bash shell, type:
$ **bundle install**
This will ensure all gems specified on Gemfile, together with their dependencies, are available for your application. Running “bundle install” will also generate a “Gemfile.lock” file. The Gemfile.lock ensures that your deployed versions of gems on Heroku match the version installed locally on your development machine.
Next we set up our local app to use Git. Type:
$ **git init**
$ **git add .**
$ **git commit -m "Rack app first commit"**
Let’s create our Rack app on Heroku (we are calling the app – rachonheroku). Type:
$ **heroku create rackonheroku**
Creating rackonheroku... done, stack is cedar
http://rackonheroku.herokuapp.com/ | git@heroku.com:rackonheroku.git
Git remote heroku added
The app has been created and two URLs are provided. One is for the web face of your new app i.e. http://rackonheroku.herokuapp.com/ If you visit that URL now, you’ll see a standard welcome page, until you push your application up. The other one is for the Git repository that you will push your code to. Normally you would need to add this as a git remote; the “heroku create” command has done this for you automatically. Do note that the output from the create command will be different for each one of you.
Now let us deploy our code to Heroku. Type:
$ **git push heroku master**
Run the deployed app in your browser by opening a new browser window and typing:
In the browser window, you should see:
Hello Rack Participants from across the globe
Using Rack middleware
We mentioned earlier that between the server and the framework, Rack can be customized to your applications needs using middleware. The fundamental idea behind Rack middleware is – come between the calling client and the server, process the HTTP request before sending it to the server, and processing the HTTP response before returning it to the client.
Rackup also has a use method that accepts a middleware. Let us use one of Rack’s built-in middleware.
You must have observed that every time we make a change to our config.ru
or my_app.rb files, we need to restart the WEBrick server. To avoid
this, let’s use one of Rack’s built-in middleware – Rack::Reloader. Edit
to have:
require './my_app'
use Rack::Reloader
run MyApp.new
In the same folder, we have the my_app.rb
file. Its contents are:
# my_app.rb
class MyApp
def call env
[200, {"Content-Type" => "text/html"}, ["Hello Rack Participants from across the globe"]]
To run our rack app, in the same folder that contains config.ru, type:
$ rackup config.ru
Open a browser window and type the url: http://localhost:9292/.
In your browser window, you should see something like this:
Hello Rack Participants from across the globe
Modify my_app.rb and instead of “Hello Rack Participants from across the globe” type “Hello Rack Participants from across the world!
Refresh the browser window and you should see:
Hello Rack Participants from across the world!
There was no need to re-start the WEBrick server.
You can now press Ctrl-C
to stop the WEBrick
Writing our own Middleware
For all practical purposes, a middleware is a rack application that wraps up an inner application.
Our middleware is going to do something very simple. We will append some text to the body being sent by our inner application. Let us write our own middleware. We will create a middleware class called MyRackMiddleware. Here’s the skeleton program:(filename: myrackmiddleware.rb)
class MyRackMiddleware
def initialize(appl)
@appl = appl
def call(env)
In the code above, to get the original body, we initialize the class MyRackMiddleware by passing in the inner application (appl).
Next we need to call this appl:
def call(env)
status, headers, body = @appl.call(env) # we now call the inner application
In the above code, we now have access to the original body, which we can
now modify. Rack does not guarantee you that the body would be a string.
It could be an object too. However, we are guaranteed that if we call
on the body, everything it returns will be a string. Let us use
this in our call method:
def call(env)
status, headers, body = @appl.call(env)
append_s = "... greetings from RubyLearning!!"
new_body = ""
body.each { |string| new_body << " " << string }
new_body << " " << append_s
[status, headers, [new_body]]
Here’s our completed middleware class:
class MyRackMiddleware
def initialize(appl)
@appl = appl
def call(env)
status, headers, body = @appl.call(env)
append_s = "... greetings from RubyLearning!!"
new_body = ""
body.each { |string| new_body << " " << string }
new_body << " " << append_s
[status, headers, [new_body]]
Our my_app.rb file remains the same. Its contents are:
# my_app.rb
class MyApp
def call(env)
[200, {"Content-Type" => "text/html"}, ["Hello Rack Participants from across the globe"]]
Edit config.ru to have:
require './my_app'
require './myrackmiddleware'
use Rack::Reloader
use MyRackMiddleware
run MyApp.new
To run our rack app, in the same folder that contains config.ru, type:
$ rackup config.ru
Open a browser window and type the url: http://localhost:9292/
In your browser window, you should see something like this:
Hello Rack Participants from across the globe... greetings from RubyLearning!!
Rack and Sinatra
Let us see how to use Rack with a Sinatra app. Create a folder racksinatra. Next, let us install Sinatra:
gem install Sinatra
Here’s a trivial Sinatra program my_sinatra.rb
in the folder
require 'sinatra'
get '/' do
'Welcome to all'
Sinatra can use Rack middleware. Our trivial middleware class will intercept the request from the user, calculate and display the response time on the console and pass on the unaltered request to the Sinatra app. In the folder racksinatra write the middleware class namely rackmiddleware.rb.
class RackMiddleware
def initialize(appl)
@appl = appl
def call(env)
start = Time.now
status, headers, body = @appl.call(env) # call our Sinatra app
stop = Time.now
puts "Response Time: #{stop-start}" # display on console
[status, headers, body]
In order for Heroku to know what to do with our Sinatra app, create a config.ru in the folder racksinatra:
require "./my_sinatra"
run Sinatra::Application
Modify the Sinatra app to use our middleware:
# my_sinatra.rb
require 'sinatra'
require './rackmiddleware'
use RackMiddleware
get '/' do
'Welcome to all'
Now open a Git Bash shell for folder racksinatra and type:
$ bundle init
Edit the created Gemfile with your preferred text editor to let it look like this:
source "http://rubygems.org"
gem 'sinatra'
In your open Bash shell type:
$ bundle check
Finally in the open Bash shell, type:
$ bundle install
Set up your local app to use Git. Type:
$ git init
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "SinatraRack app"
Create the app on Heroku. In the open bash shell, type:
$ heroku create racksinatra
Finally, let us push our app to Heroku:
$ git push heroku master
The app is now running on Heroku. You can take a look at it, in your browser type:
To check whether the *** Response Time ***: has been displayed on the Heroku console, type:
$ heroku logs -s app -n 5
where -s app
shows the output from your app and -n 5
retrieves 5 log
For me it showed:
[36m2011-10-26T05:40:06+00:00 app[web.1]: Response Time : 0.000297385
That’s it. I hope you liked this introductory article on Rack. Happy Racking!!
Other eBooks by the Author
The following eBooks from Satish Talim are available on Amazon.
The Ultimate Guide to Ruby Programming [Kindle Edition]