Top 3 Posts for July 2011 on RubyLearning

(Based on Google Analytics)

In case you missed them, here’s the roundup of the Top 3 posts for July 2011 on RubyLearning. Enjoy!

1. Throw, Catch, Raise, Rescue… I’m so confused!

Avdi Grimm explains the usage of Throw, Catch, Raise, Rescue in the Ruby programming language.

One of the aspects of Ruby that often confuses newbies coming from other languages is that it has both throw and catch and raise and rescue statements.

Read the rest of the article: Throw, Catch, Raise, Rescue… I’m so confused!.

2. How do I test my code with Minitest?

Steve Klabnik introduces the readers to Ruby’s minitest.

Ruby has fantastic tools that let you set up tests for your code that you can run automatically. You can save yourself tons of time and effort by letting the computer run thousands of tests every time you make a change to your code.

Read the rest of the article: How do I test my code with Minitest?.

3. Cryptography Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying, and Love AES

Phillip Gawlowski explains how to use encryption and decryption in Ruby.

Ruby provides an API to OpenSSL, a well-tested, widely used library and set of tools used for encryption of all kinds, and includes its own implementations of several cryptographic hashes.

Read the rest of the article: Cryptography Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying, and Love AES.

Your turn: Share the link to a roundup post you’ve written. If you’ve never written a roundup, try it this week. Be sure to share the link to your post here!

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