Shorty Awards: Honoring The Best People and Organizations on Twitter
6/Jan 2010
“Hollywood has the Oscars. Broadway has the Tonys. Now Twitter has the…Shorty Awards” – The New York Times
The second annual Shorty Awards nomination process has begun! In January 2010, the community is invited to nominate Twitter users for excellence over the past year. The awards recognize each content creator’s entire body of work, not just an individual tweet. Nominations are made by sending a tweet, whether it’s through this site or on Twitter.
In February 2010, the nominees will be narrowed down to five finalists
in each category. Winners will be determined by a combination of popular
vote and by the members of the new Real-Time Academy of Short Form Arts
& Sciences. An awards ceremony, complete with
140-character acceptance speeches, will be held in March 2010 in New
York City.
The Shorty Awards are a worldwide effort to engage hundreds of thousands of Twitter users to identify the best people and organizations on Twitter.
Shameless Plug: If you feel that RubyLearning is helping in spreading the knowledge of Ruby programming world-wide, then please do vote for @IndianGuru in #education at the Shorty Awards 2009. Every vote counts. We had won this category in 2008.