Ruby eBook Sale Proceeds for HelpAge India - Will You Join Me?

Today when I logged onto my computer a Calendar notification popped up at me telling me that it has been 4 wonderful years of Ruby programming for me. Time flies when you’re having fun!

So how does one celebrate a Ruby birthday?

Ruby has given a lot to me. It’s helped me meet some great people, it’s given me a more global perspective on life and provided my family with a good income (to name just a few benefits).

But I want more….

I want others to benefit from my Ruby knowledge. Not just in the information that it provides – but I would love our collective knowledge of Ruby to become something that changes the lives of people who through circumstances beyond their control are unable to live to their potential.

The result of this is that instead of having a Ruby birthday that is all about me and RubyLearning I want to have one that gives something back.


Over the next week I have decided to donate US\$ 200 to a local charity HelpAge India. This is a charity that I strongly believe in.


I’d like to invite you to celebrate with me by considering buying my Ruby eBook over the next 7 days. When you buy the Ruby eBook, 100% of the sale proceeds will be donated to HelpAge India.

Why HelpAge?

In a country of 90 million (current estimate) older persons, 33% live below the poverty line, 90% are from the unorganized sector with no social security, and 73% are illiterate and dependent on physical labour.

HelpAge reaches out to the underprivileged elderly through its various services in the areas of financial, health and emotional security.

HelpAge depends on donations and legacies to fund its services and activities.

Should you donate?

If you can’t afford to give \$9.95 for the Ruby eBook then there’s no pressure to. You can support the project by spreading the news about it.

I’m not sure how many US\$ we’ll raise but hopefully together we can Support-A-Grandparent!

Will YOU join me?

Update: This project is now over. Thank you for the overwhelming response. I have donated Rs. 26000-00 to HelpAge India on 6th Jan. 2010.

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