Book Promotion: Foundation Rails 2

Book Promotion: Foundation Rails 2

RubyLearning is pleased to announce the promotion of the book “Foundation Rails 2” by author Eldon Alameda.

Foundation Rails 2

The general idea of a book promotion is that it gives the participants a chance to ask relevant questions, interact with the author of the book and in the process possibly win a copy of the book, all for free!

Here are the details:

  • Promotion Period: 16th to 18th June 2009.
  • Registrations have started. Anyone interested in Ruby programming can join. It is FREE. Join here and use Enrollment key: BPCE101.
  • You can start posting your questions related to the book, immediately.

Remember: Don’t wait! You could win a copy of this book and it’s free to join.

The previous book promotions of “Wicked Cool Ruby Scripts”, “Rails Test Prescriptions”, “Ruby in Practice”, “Head First Rails” and “Programming Ruby 1.9″ were a big success.

For questions related to this blog post or to schedule a new book promotion, contact: mail [at] satishtalim [dot] com

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